
EMC Testing

EMC Design Review

What is an EMC Design Review? An EMC Design Review focuses on particular EMC issues. It is not a full blown review as it does not consider issues like weight, power, reliability etc. An EMC design review can cover mechanical issues, system level issues or circuit board issues, depending upon the product. It also throws…

Pre Compliance Methods for Emission Testing – Part 2

Continued From Part 1… GTEM Cell: GTEM Cells are like mini semi-anechoic chambers. GTEM cells can be used both for emission testing as well as radiated immunity testing. For this pre-compliance option, you would need a GTEM along with a spectrum receiver/analyzer. The equipment under test is placed inside the Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic (GTEM) Cell,…

Pre-Compliance Methods for Radiated Emissions Testing

Having already discussed about Pre – Compliance Testing, in this post we will discuss about 3 out of 5 of the pre-compliance options available for radiated emission testing. Design Review: This is one of the most overlooked pre-compliance method. Design review isn’t really a pre-compliance testing method but it does the same thing. It is…

EMC Compliance Process and Regulatory Standards

Electromagnetic Compatibility concerns with the unintentional generation, propagation, and reception of electromagnetic energy. EMC compliance testing ensures that damage in operational electronic equipment or unwanted effects like electromagnetic interference (EMI) are not present. The aim of EMC Testing is to ensure smooth operation of different equipment in a shared electromagnetic environment.  In the last post, we…

EMC Pre-Compliance Testing

To improve your chances of succeeding in an EMC Test, pre-compliance testing is a great approach. It is true that most of the companies don’t do any pre-compliance testing before sending their products to a test lab and some even succeed in clearing the EMC Test in their first go. However, this does not reduce…

EMC Testing Methods – Immunity Testing

Electromagnetic Compatibility Immunity Testing can be either transient or continuous in nature. Transient phenomena are generally short events that involve bursts of energy. Continuous testing is used on a product to replicate RF proximity that might occur in the real world. Requirements of EMC Immunity Testing are often categorized on the basis of how EMI…

EMC Testing Methods – Emission Testing

EMC or we can say ‘Electromagnetic Compatibility’ is the strength of an electronic device to resist the interference if any by other electronic devices and to exist within an environment without causing any interference of itself.  EMC Testing can be divided into two main categories which are: Emission Testing: Electromagnetic disturbances caused by an electronic device…

Stages of EMC Testing

To ensure your product passes through the EMC compliance, the EMC Testing should be conducted in various stages of the life of the product. Breaking the EMC Test into different stages is useful as the requirements of each stage differ slightly from each other. Stages of EMC Testing There are 4 stages of EMC Testing:…


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